Adrien Sala

NDP candidate in the St. James Winnipeg race.

Adrien can be reached on social media,at [email protected],or by calling 431-804-8850.

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News that mentions Adrien Sala

Showing news articles published after June 1st 2019. Article summaries are selected randomly from the mentioned candidates. Our news gathering process is explained in our FAQ.

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Hydro rates to increase 2.5% annually for next three years

July 8, 2021

Winnipeg Sun - ...ministers said the increases are needed to address the $10 billion of additional debt through the Keeyask and Bipole III projects. NDP Hydro Critic Adrien Sala said that bypassing the PUB, the province has forgone transparency and is asking the public to take them at their word that a hike in rates is...

Manitoba government proposes yearly 2.5% Hydro rate increases for for next 3 years

July 8, 2021

CBC Manitoba - ...the bill will weaken the Public Utilities Board and give the provincial government "carte blanche" to set utility rates without public input. Adrien Sala, MLA for St. James and the NDP's Manitoba Hydro critic, said it's disappointing that the government is going forward with a rate increase without an...

Province plans three years of 2.5% Hydro rate hikes

July 8, 2021

Winnipeg Free Press - ...this fall will essentially remove the role of the Public Utilities Board as an independent reviewer of rate-setting on an ongoing basis," said Adrien Sala, NDP critic for Manitoba Hydro Adrien Sala. "That guarantees that Manitobans will be exposed to the potential for overpaying for electricity year...

Hydro plots course for October rate hike

June 29, 2021

Winnipeg Free Press - ...five years, allowing cabinet to set rates in the interim. Grewal disclosed the expected 3.5 per cent rate increase after NDP Crown Services critic Adrien Sala asked her to explain how Hydro is projecting profits of $190 million this fiscal year — a $79-million year-over-year increase. Although water...

Manitoba Hydro looking for 3.5 per cent rate hike in October

June 29, 2021

CTV - ...really important that Manitobans can have confidence that rate setting is done in a way that preserves their interest and protects their interests," Adrien Sala, the NDP critic for Manitoba Hydro, told the committee. "I guess the concern here is that we're learning yet again of an assumed rate increase that...

Contre le projet de loi de loi 64 : le NPD persiste et signe, en français

June 22, 2021

Ici Radio Canada / CBC Francais - Selon Cliff Cullen, le syndicat des enseignants diffuse de fausses informations sur le projet de loi 64. Photo : Page Facebook du NPDLes parents et les enseignants veulent de plus petites classes pour que les enfants puissent recevoir de l'aide individuelle. Adrien Louis Sala ajoute que le projet de loi 64 donne des pouvoirs très étendus au ministre de l'Éducation, au détriment des parents, des communautés et des enseignants. Amalia Zurlolo estime que le projet de loi 64 va influencer de façon négative l'éducation française au Manitoba. Je pense que le projet de loi 64 priorise les résultats des tests standardisés et néglige les bienfaits du bilinguisme , dit-elle.

Child-care operators feel ripped off over trust fund payout

June 18, 2021

Winnipeg Free Press - ...government’s trust fund announcement created "a sense that they were making more generous investments than they actually were," said NDP MLA Adrien Sala. Provincial operating grants to child-care centres have been frozen for the last five years, he said Friday. "They’re cash-starved and they’re...

Province appoints panel to guide Hydro’s future

June 18, 2021

Winnipeg Free Press - Manitobans. "The recommendations that they've committed to enacting today were written by a friend and political ally, Brad Wall," said Adrien Sala, the NDP critic for Manitoba Hydro. "We know that report was produced with the express purpose of providing a foundation for allowing them to move...

Province creates team to respond to review of Manitoba Hydro projects

June 18, 2021

CTV - raise rates and privatize more aspects of Manitoba Hydro. “Manitobans do not want this government to privatize more aspects of Hydro,” said Adrien Sala, the NDP critic for Manitoba Hydro. "They don’t want that, because they understand that a public Hydro is critical for this province.” Sala...

Manitoba launches ‘formal process’ to respond to review of Hydro projects

June 18, 2021

Global News - ...the work of a political operative. “Typically these types of reports would be produced by a judge or an expert in their field,” Hydro critic Adrien Sala said when the report was released in February. Story continues below advertisement “Instead, the (Tories) have decided to hire their friend and...

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