Spencer Duncanson

Liberal candidate in the Southdale Winnipeg race.

Spencer can be reached at [email protected],or by calling 204-410-5038.

Their response to our candidate questionnaire can be read below.

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Questionnaire Response

Spencer Duncanson - Southdale

1. Why did you decide to run in the Manitoba election?

I came to Manitoba shortly after graduating from Brooklyn College of the City University of New York. Manitoba has been my home for the majority of my adult life. Through those years I have come to love this province and have sought to do my small part to make it a better place for all by serving as an educator, arts administrator, and active member on a number of community committees and boards.

I have cringed under the current administration’s policies that can only be described as regressive, unimaginative and archaic. At this present government’s current rate we may have a balanced budget, but at what cost? During the tenure of this administration there have been drastic cuts to health care and blatant disregard to the issues of education, environment and quality of life. While I am aware of the fiscal crisis we face as a province, I do not believe that myopic methods will provide a long-term solution. In time they will only leave us with a less effective health care system, unproductive and under educated youth, a host of social and environmental problems and a decaying province.

Manitobans deserve better…  We can do better…  We can be better…



2. Why should a voter consider electing you to represent them?

I believe that Manitoba can have a much brighter future and I believe that this can be achieved through the efforts of dedicated, thoughtful, and collaborative individuals serving in our provincial legislature. If I were to be elected, I would do my utmost to be such a person with an ear for the issues brought forth from constituents of my electoral district and an eye on a more robust vision for Manitoba and Manitobans.

3. What key issue(s) / topic(s) will you stand for in your role as MLA, and why are these important to you?

As is the case with many communities, we face myriad challenges in our province: health care, mental heath, social justice (reconciliation), economic development, drug addition, education and the environment. To prioritize some may seem to make others of lesser importance. In fact, I believe that each of these issues are interdependent.

Health generally refers to the wellbeing of a person or organization. My concern is with the health of our province. I would like to start with a topic with which I am most familiar. As a retired educator I still find myself advocating for the institution of education, a resource that has too often been the fodder of political abuse. We truly need to establish long-term goals that take into account best practices that will cultivate a system that not only enriches the lives of every student, but one that will foster an informed and productive citizenry. The future of every society is predicated on the nurturing that is given to those who will follow.

Many of the social issues are reflective of our individual lack of knowledge and understanding of the world, those with whom we share this space and our place and responsibility in and to it.


4. Do you have any other comments regarding your candidacy?

I encourage voters to take the time necessary to look at the issues. I believe the Liberal platform is one of the most well thought-out, honest, and progressive that this province has seen in years. Election day is a good day to begin the way to a healthier, more informed, more economically attractive, and stronger Manitoba.


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