Scott Fielding
PC candidate in the Kirkfield Park Winnipeg race.
Scott can be reached on social media,or at [email protected].
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News that mentions Scott Fielding
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1 2 … 27 Next »Pedersen Cabinet Retirement Announced In Shuffle
July 15, 2021
Pembina Valley Online - ...– minister of justice and attorney general; • Ron Schuler – minister of infrastructure; • Cliff Cullen – minister of education; • Scott Fielding – minister of finance; • Cathy Cox – minister of sport, culture and heritage, minister responsible for status of women; • Rochelle Squires...
Eichler Back As Agriculture Minister
July 15, 2021
Pembina Valley Online - ...– minister of justice and attorney general; • Ron Schuler – minister of infrastructure; • Cliff Cullen – minister of education; • Scott Fielding – minister of finance; • Cathy Cox – minister of sport, culture and heritage, minister responsible for status of women; • Rochelle Squires...
Hydro rates to increase 2.5% annually for next three years
July 9, 2021
The Graphic Leader - has failed to load. Try refreshing your browser. Hydro rates to increase 2.5% annually for next three years Back to video Finance Minister Scott Fielding and Crown Services Minister Jeff Wharton announced the fixed-rate increase will be an amendment to controversial Bill 35 (The Public Utilities and...
Tories’ big Hydro lie just got fatter
July 8, 2021
Winnipeg Free Press - Manitoba to historic heights. On Thursday, the Pallister government decided to make an attempt to meet the criticism head on. Finance Minister Scott Fielding and Crown Services Minister Jeff Wharton announced amendments to Bill 35 that they said would ensure predictable, affordable electricity rates for...
Province says it will bolster security at legislature, but won’t say how
July 8, 2021
Winnipeg Free Press - make sure that (police officers) have the proper resources, to make sure that public spaces like the legislature are secure," Finance Minister Scott Fielding said Thursday. He was at the building Wednesday evening when an unnamed 33-year-old Winnipeg man drove a black Dodge pickup truck up through pylons...
La province veut fixer à 2,5 % l’augmentation des tarifs d’Hydro-Manitoba
July 8, 2021
Ici Radio Canada / CBC Francais - ...à un taux de 2,5 % pour les trois prochaines années. Pour ce faire, le ministre des Services de la Couronne Jeff Wharton et celui des Finances Scott Fielding ont annoncé qu’un amendement au projet de loi 35, sur la protection des contribuables et la réforme réglementaire en matière de services...
Hydro rates to increase 2.5% annually for next three years
July 8, 2021
Winnipeg Sun - ...ensure Hydro is able to meet its financial obligations created by the previous government’s risky decisions,” said Fielding. Finance Minister Scott Fielding and Crown Services Minister Jeff Wharton announced the fixed-rate increase will be an amendment to controversial Bill 35 (The Public Utilities and...
Manitoba government proposes yearly 2.5% Hydro rate increases for for next 3 years
July 8, 2021
CBC Manitoba - ...that same legislation this fall, and if approved, the rates will take effect in December, Crown Services Minister Jeff Wharton and Finance Minister Scott Fielding announced at a news conference Thursday. On average, this would add an extra $35 per year to ratepayers' bills. The proposed rate increase is...
Winnipeg man charged after pickup truck driven onto Manitoba Legislature steps
July 8, 2021
CBC Manitoba - protest the nation's treatment of Indigenous Peoples. Murray acknowledged "heightened tensions" in the area since Canada Day. Finance Minister Scott Fielding said government officials haven't yet formally met to decide how to respond to the vehicle incident, but he said Justice Minister Cameron Friesen is...
Province plans to legislate 2.5 per cent annual hydro rate hikes for the next three years this fall
July 8, 2021
Thompson Citizen - allow multi-year rate approvals and have the power to review any major projects and contracts worth more than $200 million. Finance Minister Scott Fielding said at a July 8 press conference that the 2.5 per cent figure was decided upon by taking the average approved increase from the past 10 years and...