Sara Campbell
Green candidate in the Fort Whyte Winnipeg race.
Sara can be reached at [email protected].
Their response to our candidate questionnaire can be read below.
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Questionnaire Response
Sara Campbell - Fort Whyte
1. Why did you decide to run in the Manitoba election?
I am running in the Manitoba Provincial election because I believe that our current government has not listened to its people nor the experts on what problems need to be addressed and what actions to take to solve our many crises. This is in regards to many areas of society including reconciliation, environmental destruction, health care, accessibility, poverty, economic stability and so forth.
Manitoban’s have amazing potential for our province to be a leader in environmental, social and economic sustainability and we just need the right leadership to build honest, meaningful relationships with all levels of our society to implement change that will improve our citizens wellbeing.
2. Why should a voter consider electing you to represent them?
I believe a voter should consider voting for me because I truly want, and have the drive to make positive changes for our society and improve the living standards so that all of our citizens can live well.
As an academic, I believe in well rounded evidence-based research and informed policy decisions. My studies have touched upon how our societal systems interact, how they affect one another and tangible ways forward.
I am ready and willing to work with all levels of government and civil society to implement these changes that will benefit all of Manitobans, and I look forward to doing so.
3. What key issue(s) / topic(s) will you stand for in your role as MLA, and why are these important to you?
In Manitoba we are seeing a fast increase in crime, poverty, addictions, homelessness and poor quality of life. These issues usually stem from root causes that currently, we do have sound policy recommendations for but that the current government is not open to implementing.
These solutions include real access to safe water and healthy foods, protection of our prairie environment for carbon sequestration and increased crop yields, actively working towards reconciliation, access to education, housing first models, social inclusion, a guaranteed annual income, sustainable economic development, proper access to proactive and reactive health care, implementing the true Accessibility for Manitobans Act, providing reliable access to transportation, among others.
I am going to strive to make Manitoba safe, accessible and livable for all, while also protecting our prairie environment that is crucial in the fight against climate change and building sustainable economic opportunities so no one is left behind.
4. Do you have any other comments regarding your candidacy?
I would like to say thank you to everyone who took the time to read about my perspectives and who took the time to consider me for your MLA in Fort Whyte.
If anyone has any questions, comments or concerns for me, please feel free to email me at [email protected]
News that mentions Sara Campbell
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