Robert Rivard

Liberal candidate in the Dawson Trail Southern Manitoba race.

Robert can be reached on social media,at [email protected],or by calling 1-431-998-2456.

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News that mentions Robert Rivard

Showing news articles published after June 1st 2019. Article summaries are selected randomly from the mentioned candidates. Our news gathering process is explained in our FAQ.

Vote par anticipation aux élections provinciales : mode d’emploi

August 26, 2019

Ici Radio Canada / CBC Francais - ...Smith : Parti progressiste-conservateur Chemin Dawson Echo Asher : Nouveau Parti démocratique Bob Lagassé : Parti progressiste-conservateur Robert Rivard : Parti libéral du Manitoba La Vérendrye Erin McGee : Nouveau Parti démocratique Lorena Mitchell : Parti libéral du Manitoba Dennis Smook :...

Manitoba Electoral Riding: Dawson Trail

August 14, 2019

Global News - ...a conservative riding and includes communities like Ste. Anne, Lorette and St. Adolphe. Candidates NDP: Echo Asher Green Party: Liberal Party: Robert Rivard PC Party: Bob...

Hayward Running Again For The Liberals

July 31, 2019

Steinbach Online - ...elections, won the nomination last Friday. He ran for the Liberals in Dawson Trail in the previous provincial election, where former Tache Mayor Robert Rivard is running this time around. He says his decision to run again was prompted by concern about what the Progressive Conservatives have done. Terry...

Former Tache Mayor Seeks Provincial Seat

July 28, 2019

Steinbach Online - ...served as a school trustee, then as a mayor, and now Robert Rivard is attempting to be the next MLA for Dawson Trail riding. Rivard, who lives in Dufresne, will be the Liberal candidate in the September election. Rivard has lived in the riding, known today as Dawson Trail, most of his life. He worked in...

Liberals add to roster of candidates

July 9, 2019

Winnipeg Sun - ... -Donovan Martin (Notre Dame) -Tanjit Nagra (Fort Richmond) -Jeff Anderson (St. Vital) -Craig Larkins (Fort Garry) -Shandi Strong (Wolseley) -Robert Rivard (Dawson Trail) -Cyndy Friesen (Fort...