Jake Sacher
Liberal candidate in the Lagimodière Winnipeg race.
Jake can be reached on social media,at [email protected],or by calling 204-500-0485.
Their response to our candidate questionnaire can be read below.
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Questionnaire Response
Jake Sacher - Lagimodière
1. Why did you decide to run in the Manitoba election?
I am running to help as many people as possible. I have learned that when the opportunity arises to help people feel valued, we should act on those feelings. As a father of three and the husband of an educator, I have a duty to protect the future of my family. I believe that the current government has been short-sighted in their decisions. I want the best for my family, and all other Manitobans, and the Manitoba Liberal Party’s platform is in line with the progressive views I’ve had for quite sometime. I fight for fairness and justice. As well, if someone has been given a head start, it is only right that they help those that may have been dealt extra obstacles.
I also want to show people that democracy is for everyone to participate in. That’s what makes our system so special. I’m just a regular person, living in a regular home, driving a minivan, that has a passion for leaving a place better than how I found it.
2. Why should a voter consider electing you to represent them?
When I believe in something, I don’t give up on it. I perform my interests with passion and determination. I want to do the best I can to achieve the best possible outcome for everyone involved. I don’t take people for granted as I believe that as a person, you are inherently valuable and are entitled to having your voice being heard. I want to build a better future for this generation and the next.
We have had over 40 years of governments with short term interests at heart. Manitobans deserve better.
I have a unique skill set as I have worked in the private sector for “mom and pop” companies, multi-national corporations, mid-sized local businesses that cater to clients looking for luxurious treatment and in business where workers are represented by unions. I have also been an entrepreneur as a musician and audio engineer/producer. I understand the demands of owning your own business, being a stay-at-home parent, and working for a publicly traded company. I’ve worked in hospitality, sporting organizations, sales and entertainment. As such I understand the needs of Manitoba workers and business owners.
3. What key issue(s) / topic(s) will you stand for in your role as MLA, and why are these important to you?
Education – I want to ensure that our future generations will be set up for success. We need to treat our teachers with dignity and respect. We will listen to our educators on what their needs are as they are professionals with years of training and day to day experience with our kids. When we value the education system, we will see tremendous social and economic outcomes.
Healthcare – I want to reinvest in our healthcare system. We have witnessed mismanagement of our system for decades under different governments in Manitoba that have led to great pain for our patients and just about every aspect of our system. I recognize the need for mental health supports at a young age. We will create programs for those that require early detection and treatment of mental health issues, saving us stress on the healthcare system.
Infrastructure, Jobs and Green Growth & Renewal – We can build on Manitoba’s existing infrastructure to create jobs AND do our part to increase wilderness space, protect our water and make it easier for Manitobans to make green investments and choices. We will use nature to reverse pollution. It just makes economic sense.
4. Do you have any other comments regarding your candidacy?
I believe in Manitoba there has been a lack of vision to truly lead our province into the “keystone” that it could be for Canada. We have tremendous people here and vast resources that must be managed with care and long term stewardship. The Manitoba Liberal Party will invest in long term solutions to help Manitobans for generations to come, not just a boutique tax cut. We want to perform a comprehensive review of the taxation system in the province that the Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce has been asking about for years to ensure the best possible revenue streams for the province and what is actually beneficial for Manitobans.
I want to give people the power to say “no” and the opportunity to say “yes”.
My great-grandparents, grandparents and parents have all had a strong will to ensure the next generations will have to tools they need to improve the lives of as many people around them as possible. I want that for everyone else as well.
I volunteer in my church community, my kids’ school, environmental protection groups, social justice events and in crisis counselling/suicide prevention.
I hope that you consider voting for me.
Thank you.
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