Echo Asher

NDP candidate in the Dawson Trail Southern Manitoba race.

Echo can be reached at [email protected].

Their response to our candidate questionnaire can be read below.

News that mentions this candidate is listed at the bottom of the page.

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Questionnaire Response

Echo Asher - Dawson Trail

1. Why did you decide to run in the Manitoba election?

I have always been passionate about the issues that affect the average person and family.  I grew up on a farm between Anola and Beausejour, and still have a deep connection to and appreciation for the families that live in the area.  I’m driven to protect the vulnerable in our society, and have always spoken out for “The Little Guy.”

2. Why should a voter consider electing you to represent them?

To me, the people of Dawson Trail need a voice that will  restore the services that our communities depend on.  I feel that I can be that effective voice and champion their causes in the Manitoba Legislature.  It can be frustrating to feel like your representation is out of reach and not willing to hear your concerns.  I would like to be available to hear the concerns and represent them.


3. What key issue(s) / topic(s) will you stand for in your role as MLA, and why are these important to you?

Without a doubt, with what has been happening over the past few years, it is Healthcare.  I want to ensure that a Dr. and treatment is available in an emergency or otherwise, for everyone in this constituency without having to travel for an hour or more.  I want to ensure that our teachers are not over-worked with no contract and class sizes that are too large, and I want to ensure that we are keeping our future in mind and addressing our climate crisis.  These issues will affect every single person, yet are currently being ignored.

4. Do you have any other comments regarding your candidacy?

I want to ensure the constituents feel heard and truly represented.

News that mentions Echo Asher

Showing news articles published after June 1st 2019. Article summaries are selected randomly from the mentioned candidates. Our news gathering process is explained in our FAQ.

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