David Nickarz
Green candidate in the Wolseley Winnipeg race.
David can be reached on social media,or at [email protected].
Their response to our candidate questionnaire can be read below.
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Questionnaire Response
David Nickarz - Wolseley
1. Why did you decide to run in the Manitoba election?
I’m running for MLA for Wolseley because I’ve lived and worked in this community as a small business owner for many years. I want to bring a new voice to the legislature because there is a lack of representation for people who care about our planet, poverty and transforming our economy. After spending almost 30 years as an environmental activist, running for political office is the logical next step.
2. Why should a voter consider electing you to represent them?
I’ve been active in my community for many years as a small business owner fixing and renovating homes. I’ve been active on environmental issues for almost 30 years helping to protect people and the planet. I’ve been an active board member with the West Broadway Community Organisation for 5 years. I live, work and volunteer in my community. I live my values and I’m not afraid to take risks if the cause is just.
3. What key issue(s) / topic(s) will you stand for in your role as MLA, and why are these important to you?
No serious action has been taken on the political level for the climate crisis. Climate change makes every other issue much harder to deal with and the Green Party is the lone voice willing to take action. Poverty has taken a strong hold in this province and Greens have novel approaches to helping solve that problem with the Basic Income platform. Electoral reform is needed so that voting can be fairer, but we also need a more collaborative approach to politics in the Legislature.
4. Do you have any other comments regarding your candidacy?
Voters in Wolseley finally have something to vote for, instead of voting against. When Greens get elected, as we’ve seen all over Canada, things change. Climate change, poverty, electoral reform, health and education are all pushed to the forefront with a new voice and real solutions.
News that mentions David Nickarz
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1 2 … 5 Next »New figures show Manitoba political parties kept a lid on election spending
February 10, 2020
Winnipeg Sun - ...where parties focused their efforts. The cash-strapped Green party was hoping for a breakthrough in the Wolseley seat in Winnipeg. Green candidate David Nickarz spent $28,000 on his campaign — three times as much as what Green leader James Beddome spent in Fort Rouge — but finished second behind New...
New figures show Manitoba political parties kept a lid on election spending
February 10, 2020
Winnipeg Free Press - ...where parties focused their efforts. The cash-strapped Green party was hoping for a breakthrough in the Wolseley seat in Winnipeg. Green candidate David Nickarz spent $28,000 on his campaign — three times as much as what Green leader James Beddome spent in Fort Rouge — but finished second behind New...
New Figures Show Manitoba Political Parties Kept a Lid on Election Spending
February 10, 2020
ChrisD - ...where parties focused their efforts. The cash-strapped Green party was hoping for a breakthrough in the Wolseley seat in Winnipeg. Green candidate David Nickarz spent $28,000 on his campaign — three times as much as what Green leader James Beddome spent in Fort Rouge — but finished second behind New...
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February 10, 2020
CBC Manitoba - ...where parties focused their efforts. The cash-strapped Green party was hoping for a breakthrough in the Wolseley seat in Winnipeg. Green candidate David Nickarz spent $28,000 on his campaign — three times as much as what Green leader James Beddome spent in Fort Rouge — but finished second behind New...
Manitoba political parties kept a lid on election spending, new figures show
February 10, 2020
CTV - ...where parties focused their efforts. The cash-strapped Green party was hoping for a breakthrough in the Wolseley seat in Winnipeg. Green candidate David Nickarz spent $28,000 on his campaign -- three times as much as what Green leader James Beddome spent in Fort Rouge -- but finished second behind New...
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