Cyndy Friesen

Liberal candidate in the Fort Rouge Winnipeg race.

Cyndy can be reached on social media,at [email protected],or by calling 204-410-4988.

Their response to our candidate questionnaire can be read below.

News that mentions this candidate is listed at the bottom of the page.

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Questionnaire Response

Cyndy Friesen - Fort Rouge

1. Why did you decide to run in the Manitoba election?

I am a life long advocate, volunteer, and difference-maker.  People believe in me because I take action for my community.

2. Why should a voter consider electing you to represent them?

I served as a school trustee for 12 years.   My track record proves that I am committed to getting things done with integrity, dedication, and perseverance.

3. What key issue(s) / topic(s) will you stand for in your role as MLA, and why are these important to you?

Climate change:  We are morally obligated to leave a better planet and province for future generations.

Health care:  I am a cancer survivor.  I know what it’s like to navigate the turmoil of our current health care system.

Education:  I am a former school trustee.  I saw how the health care system offloads its responsibility to the education system.  These changes affect our most vulnerable students and their families.  Lack of mental health resources and lengthy waiting lists for assessments are unacceptable.

Meth crisis:  I lost a family member to this.  I am troubled by the lack of supports that are desperately needed for people with addictions.

Support workers: People providing essential services to our most vulnerable community members don’t receive a living wage and need to be fairly compensated for the important work they do.

4. Do you have any other comments regarding your candidacy?

Electing me as your MLA will be the difference for a stronger voice in Fort Rouge and for all Manitobans.

News that mentions Cyndy Friesen

Showing news articles published after June 1st 2019. Article summaries are selected randomly from the mentioned candidates. Our news gathering process is explained in our FAQ.

Reflections On A Challenging Political Campaign

September 17, 2019

Steinbach Online - ...resident Cyndy Friesen calls her time involved in provincial politics both “challenging” and “enjoyable”. Friesen spent the past several weeks knocking on thousands of doors as the Liberal candidate in Winnipeg’s Fort Rouge Riding. Though her race pitted her against Green Party Leader James...

Southwest Winnipeg sticks with incumbents

September 16, 2019

Winnipeg Free Press - ...earned 5,031 votes or 51.1 per cent. The PC’s Edna Nabess was runner up with 1,854 votes, followed by Green Party leader James Beddome (1,579), Cyndy Friesen (Lib. - 1,285), Michael McCracken (MF - 54) and Bradley Hebert (MBFWD - 29). Voter turnout in Fort Rouge was 60.6 per...

What’s in a name? In this election, confusion

September 7, 2019

Winnipeg Free Press - McPhillips. Where there’s Smith, and Smith in Point Douglas, and Smith in Lagimodiere. Or vote for Lagimodiere. Throw in Cindy Friesen and Cyndy Friesen, and another Friesen, two Johnstons and a Johnson, plus a couple of Andersons, Beddomes and Larkins, and there’s your clear choice for Sept. 10. ...

Party leaders balance perils, pros of skipping public forums

August 21, 2019

Winnipeg Free Press - ...Cacayuran (L), Scott Fielding (PC) Aug. 21 UpForDebateMB (women’s rights, gender equality) Confirmed: Bernadette Smith (NDP), Andrea Shalay (G), Cyndy Friesen (L) Aug. 27 Disabilities Matters Vote Fair Vote Manitoba Manitoba Farm Writers and Broadcasters Aug. 29 Manitoba Health Coalition Sept. 6 Winnipeg...

News in brief: Folklorama anniversary celebration kicks off

July 26, 2019

Winnipeg Free Press - ...Manitoba for the next generation." Nabess has five children and 12 grandchildren. Other candidates in Fort Rouge include James Beddome (Green) and Cyndy Friesen (Lib.). The provincial election is Sept....

Former Trustee Reaches For New Levels Of Politics

July 10, 2019

Steinbach Online - ...sights on provincial politics. “I was approached and asked if I would consider running and I decided I would go for it.” Steinbach resident Cyndy Friesen will be spending the next few months running for MLA against NDP Leader Wab Kinew in Winnipeg’s “Fort Rouge” riding. She willingly admits that...

Liberals add to roster of candidates

July 9, 2019

Winnipeg Sun - ... -Tanjit Nagra (Fort Richmond) -Jeff Anderson (St. Vital) -Craig Larkins (Fort Garry) -Shandi Strong (Wolseley) -Robert Rivard (Dawson Trail) -Cyndy Friesen (Fort...