Craig Larkins
Liberal candidate in the Fort Garry Winnipeg race.
Craig can be reached on social media,at [email protected],or by calling 204-800-1694.
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News that mentions Craig Larkins
Showing news articles published after June 1st 2019. Article summaries are selected randomly from the mentioned candidates. Our news gathering process is explained in our FAQ.
Wasyliw wins Fort Garry for NDP
September 10, 2019
Winnipeg Free Press - ...year you would see way more NDP seats tonight," he said. "Four years from now they're going to be in a great deal of trouble." Liberal candidate Craig Larkins, 39, earned modest support from voters in Fort Garry with 1,716 ballots cast. The Green Party of Manitoba’s Casey Fennessy received 722 votes. ...
Les circonscriptions à surveiller aux élections provinciales 2019 | Élections Manitoba 2019
September 9, 2019
Ici Radio Canada / CBC Francais - ...avec la nouvelle carte électorale. FORT GARY Candidats en lice : Nancy Cook (Parti progressiste-conservateur), Casey Fennesey (Parti vert), Craig Larkins (Parti libéral), Mark Wayliw (Nouveau Parti démocratique) Il n’y a pas de candidat sortant dans cette circonscription puisque le...
Les partis font leurs dernières promesses avant le jour du scrutin | Élections Manitoba 2019
September 9, 2019
Ici Radio Canada / CBC Francais - ...campagne pour souligner à nouveau son désir de « déclarer une situation d'urgence climatique ». Aux côtés de son candidat dans Fort Garry, Craig Larkins, il a promis de bannir l’utilisation du plastique à usage unique d’ici 2025 au Manitoba. Dougald Lamont a déclaré « finir sa campagne comme...
Liberals promise to declare climate emergency, phase out single-use plastics
September 9, 2019
CTV - ...Party said if elected it will declare a climate emergency on day one in the legislature and phase out single-use plastics in the province by 2025. Craig Larkins, who is running under the Liberal banner in Fort Garry, said a resolution previously introduced in the legislature by the Liberals to declare a...
Personal experience pushed Larkins to run
September 3, 2019
Winnipeg Free Press - ...for the first time. Sitting bedside at Concordia Hospital one year ago, supporting his mother through the final days of a vicious cancer battle, Craig Larkins decided something had to change. Sitting bedside at Concordia Hospital one year ago, supporting his mother through the final days of a vicious...
Cooke carrying PC banner in Fort Garry
September 3, 2019
Winnipeg Free Press - here: you call an ambulance and they will take you where you need to go," she said. Also running in Fort Garry are Mark Wasyliw (NDP), Craig Larkins (Liberal), and Casey Fennessy (Green), who did not respond to a request for an...
School trustee seeks provincial seat
September 3, 2019
Winnipeg Free Press - try to fix the accessibility problem," Wasyliw said. Also running in Fort Garry are PC candidate Nancy Cooke, Manitoba Liberal Party candidate Craig Larkins, and Green Party of Manitoba candidate Casey Fennessy, who did not respond to a request for an interview. The provincial election is Sept....
10 ridings to watch in the Manitoba provincial election
August 28, 2019
CBC Manitoba - ...race that included PC candidate Jeannette Montufar and Green Party Leader James Beddome. Who is running? Nancy Cooke (PC), Casey Fennessy (Green), Craig Larkins (Liberal), Mark Wasyliw (NDP). Why is it in play? It is an open race and both the NDP's Mark Wasyliw and Progressive Conservative Nancy Cooke have...
Manitoba’s first openly gay PC candidate hopes to inspire youths
August 22, 2019
CBC Manitoba - ...MLAs have participated in the annual Pride Run. Leader Brian Pallister is only the second Manitoba premier to have attended the Pride march. Craig Larkins says his sexuality as a gay man hasn't come up when meeting Fort Garry voters as their Liberal candidate, and he doesn't expect it to either. ...
Fort Garry a tooth-and-nail fight
August 18, 2019
Winnipeg Free Press - ...NDP; businesswoman and one-time city council candidate Nancy Cooke of the Progressive Conservatives; and political staffer and former broadcaster Craig Larkins of the Liberals. With the redrawing of electoral boundaries since the 2016 election, Fort Garry consists of a big chunk of the old Fort...